Parsons Audio has a history of tailoring sound systems to unique spaces of all types and when Tavern of Tales reached out to us with their concept for an interactive board game experience, we were interested in helping them achieve their design.
They offer six different immersive, sound-enhanced game-play adventures for players at all levels. Each of the six game rooms contains an independent 4.1 Genelec surround system. 4020C installation speakers are located in each corner, and a 7050C active sub woofer is situated under the central table, providing stimulating low-frequency sonic content to everyone playing.
As players progress through their board game, custom sound effects, music, and narration create an immersive soundscape that is unique to each game and provide realistic feedback for the players.
To control each system, the game master in each room operates a Novation Launchpad Pro to command a Mac Mini running Q-Lab software. All five speakers are independently fed via a multi-channel USB interface, allowing audio to pan around the room and enabling players to get lost in the challenge at hand.
Outside each room, the central bar area boasts 10 Tannoy OCV pendant speakers, powered by a Lab-Gruppen E-Series amplifier and fed by a Yamaha MTX audio processor.
Background music sets the mood throughout this space and welcomes visitors as soon as they come in the door. Yamaha DCP control panels in the kitchen and at the bar afford the staff additional control of the sound level around the bar as required.