Spark your creativity
Pro Tools 2018 comes equipped with 2 GB of professional-quality loops courtesy of Loopmasters, which you can use to spark that next great idea. From drum beats and rhythm sections to riffs and leads, these loops are a great resource to supplement existing songs or become the start of something new. With Soundbase, it’s never been easier to find an audition samples.
Faster and easier
Many new features in Pro Tools 2018 are based on user requests from previous versions. The latest version of Pro Tools features hotkeys for rapid changing Grid and Nudge sizes, Pencil commands, and more. Use the MIDI Editor to quickly record-enable, mute, and solo MIDI tracks. These features, and many more, have helped make this the most advanced version of Pro Tools yet.

Post Production
Flexible integration
With Pro Tools 2018, you can easily collaborate with other video post-production crews using different formats. XAVC Long GOP files, 1080p50 projects, and more are now supported, so you can collaborate without having to worry about file conversion.
Batch fades to the rescue!
Pro Tools 2018 also features fade enhancements, allowing you to spend less time fussing over tedious fades so you can focus on making your mix shine. You can create and customize your own presets for fades and easily recall them.
Bounce faster offline
This latest version of Pro Tools enables users now to render their final mixes at speeds up to 150x faster than with a live bounce. Utilizing time-stamped automation, you can trust that you’ll still get the professional results that you would get from a live bounce. This feature can save huge amounts of time!